The day started by driving southeast towards the Rio Grande Village area of the park. There is a oasis type area where a former homesteader built a dugout home and well - now called Dugout Wells.
We continued toward the river stopping and hiking to the hot spring area. The bathhouse remains still contain the hot spring; however, the high river levels were filling the bathing area with cool silty water - no soaking our feet today.
At the Rio Grande Village area, we walked down to the river from the picnic area near the water pump station. I was quick enough with the camera to take a couple of nice bird photos - a black vulture and a road runner.
Finally, we hiked up to an overlook near Boquillos, MX. Travel across the border from the park is no longer legal; however, Mexican merchants bring goods, price lists, and boxes for money which are left at overlooks and along river trails. We found several such displays of merchandise near the river overlook turnouts.
Tomorrow we have a 4 wheel tour scheduled with Far Flung Outfitters and then will spend the day in the nearby towns plus the deserted ghost town.