Monday, February 20, 2012

AKC Agility, New Iberia, LA

I got 3/4 to sit still - Teds in background

This weekend was AKC agility in New Iberia.  We entered Sat and Sun.  No Qs this weekend but there were high points to cheer about:

  • Grace found her teeter and, therefore, her dog walk both Sat Standard, Sun Standard, and her T2B (teeter only) runs.
  • Grace hit her weave entrances most tries as long as I was on her left.  She continues to struggle if I'm on her right.  We need to practice weaves before Monroe in 2 weeks.
  • Grace stayed on course for her Sat JWW run.  She got aggravated at the way I was handling the curvy course in Sun JWW and herded down the last arc of jumps instead of jumping.  It was our low point of the weekend.  The doubles and triples stayed up this weekend.   She took an odd bar in JWW on Sat - I'm assuming I told her to turn while she was over the bar.

Spice's new toy rack....before
Spice came along for the experience both days.  She was a trouper in the horrid monsoon rain on Sat.  It rained 3" at the house in Baton Rouge.  It likely rained more where we were in New Iberia.  Now Spice is much less reactive when you get her out of her crate at the show.  After a couple of shows traveling with the Siberians, she now is trying to interact with the Siberians - she is just not sure about several other dog breeds yet.

Tracy had a good weekend.  She only ran Kazee who came home with QQ #15 and a T2B Q as well.

Spice discovered the rack of leashes hanging by the backdoor late last week.  The rack was holding every one's leash for everything.  Spice managed to locate the couple of leashes I had used to walk her and get them down to play with them.  While I'm totally frustrated she has now chewed through a few new leashes.  I'm thrilled that she figured out which of the leashes were her leashes.  Spice Girl is pretty smart!  Needless to say, the rack is now sporting only four leashes which are looped around so they are much shorter - everything else got moved into a dog bag or storage (Pete's).