This weekend we ran AKC agility at the arena in Amite, LA. Grace ran novice FAST on Fri and Sat. Sun she was in novice jumpers. She hadn't done much agility lately since we had been concentrating on tracking. She enjoyed herself. On Sat she gave me a set up weaves in FAST with enough points to Q if we could have exited the ring a few seconds sooner. On Sunday, her lack of weaves caused us an NQ, but her jumping effort was a Q.
Bern managed to have very few off courses on his standard and jumpers runs over the weekend. His weaving was much better - complete with a clean set of poles on Sunday the 1st try. First thing Fri AM, he ran a nice run for his Open FAST Preferred title. The title earns him a new crate tag from LCCOC at the end of the year. I moved him up to Excellent FAST for the LCCOC trial in a few weeks... may there NOT be weaves in the gamble.