Nedra canceled agility class tonight. She figured the entire class needed a break after the trial. Therefore, I decided I better practice some at the house instead. When I got home Grace and I practiced weave entries with 3 poles. I put a jump about 8 feet before the weaves and we did jump-weave. The jump got moved several places in an arc so she could work on gathering herself at a trot. She was getting quite fast toward the end of a session. After a couple of minutes of weave entries we moved to the set of 12 poles and tried them a few times to work on her weaving rhythm.
Bern went out for a few minutes with the dumbbell.... he ran out and grabbed on the first send. YES!! But only for the first time we did the exercise. OH NOOOO. The next time I threw it and sent him he sat there like a statue. I tried the gentle nudge with the foot... I got glared at. Okay this is a more serious problem than I thought. I really need to work hard on fixing this issue before the obedience trial in May.
Since Teddy was hanging out with B & G I took him out and gave him a few lessons. He is working on "front" and a more stable "sit". We also played around some with the jump I had out for Grace. It took taking the bar off completely before he would walk on the grass between the uprights. After we conquered the uprights and the bar on 4" I introduced the set of 3 weave poles. I stood at pole 3 and lured him through towards me... he came first try. You can teach an old dog new tricks... too bad he isn't AKC recognized. I think he could do Rally with some training.