This weekend Grace and Bern both ran jumpers and standard runs at the AKC trial in Monroe, LA on Fri, Sat, and Sun.
Bern's first run on Fri was Exec Standard... clean set of 12 weaves. This was his only Excellent level clean weave poles attempt during the entire weekend. The other 5 runs had weave bobbles. His clean set of poles was accompanied by an off-course tunnel so no Q. During his Sun jumpers run he came ever so close to getting a Q but fell out of the weaves at pole 11. No Qs for Bern over the weekend but some nice handling/listening as a pair.
Elaine Coupe suggested to Tracey that she concentrate on her handling of the harder sections of each course knowing that Qs would follow. I've tried to take this advice to heart. There were a few tricky parts on the Standard course Sunday which we managed to perform with the exception of hitting the top panel on the panel jump coming out of 360 + 180 degree pinwheel. Bern struggled hitting the weave entry after his panel jump mishap but overall I was pleased with his showing (I'm taking full credit for the table mishap on the other end of the course during that same run).
Bern got a canine sports massage on Saturday with Roberta Kirby. Roberta commented his neck and psoas muscles were very stiff. His hind quarters has less muscle mass than she would like. Roberta suggested Bern should swim or trot(preferably uphill) to extend his rear legs working that set of muscles more. Mike has offered to be his jogging partner.. I hope to do some bicycling or scootering with him (neither of which I have in working order currently).
Grace gave me a few sets of 6 weave poles this weekend. She ran much more obstacle focused than at previous trials. I got herded very little during any of her runs. This was wonderful and likely a result of the great seminar training Elaine Coupe did. THANKS ELAINE. On Friday Grace had only two refusals during her Novice Standard run - one refusal caused by a big party after she did the teeter without hesitation - to earn a Q and 3rd place. Every day she did the teeter with no hesitation so I hope our teeter problems are on the mend.
Tien Tran was at the trial taking pictures. I purchased three (1 each of Bern and Grace weaving and Grace on the dog walk). Grace clearly has her eye next to the pole closed as she weaves... really cute and typical for lots of dogs.