Saturday, May 29, 2010

Obedience Trial... Day 1

Friday afternoon I washed 3 dogs and left them to dry at the house.  The crates were then delivered to Lamar Dixson.  Luckily there was plenty of help for the match so I was back at the house fairly early.  After I got home everyone got a few minutes on the grooming table... brushed, mats removed, and frodo feet tamed.  The nails still need trimming but everything else is looking dandy.

Off to the obedience trial for Day 1.  Saturday morning Grace had her turn at Graduate Novice first.  She did GREAT... except for the high jump (a panel jump).  Okay so the agility dog needs to practice jumping the jump as an obedience exercise.  She nailed the other exercises with respectable scores.. including her personal vote for most boring exercise ever, the dumbbell recall.  I was very pleased.

Bern then attempted Open A.  On the first exercise, he only missed sitting for the first halt in the healing pattern so that was better than usual (it usually takes 3 before he sits).  He didn't even attempt his drop on recall and auto-finished (Tracey says my verbal command was pronounced too quickly).  The dumbbell retrieve on flat was a Q except he auto-finished in sit with the dumbbell still in his mouth (that was a new one even for Bern) and then dropped the dumbbell at my feet as I was reaching to take it.  I had to double signal the retrieve over the high jump  (I think he was still trying to figure out what he did wrong before that caused him to end up in heal position with the dumbbell).  It took just a few seconds for the light bulb to go off and Bern to remember the current exercise sequence.jump, dumbbell, jump.. after that he looked good.  By the time the broad jump exercise came along Bern had taken a liking to Judge Ed... so when Ed said to send the dog, Bern sent himself over the broad jump, when Ed said finish Bern finished (no need for the pesty handler person to give any commands at all).  NQ and a hearty laugh was had by everyone in the gallery!  Bern finished up strong on the long sits and downs.

Kazee looked super great for Tracey in Utility A.  I would like to figure out a better way for Tracey to signal the down command.  Her signal is so fast that Kazee blows her off since it is hard to make the chosen movement look definitive since Tracey's arm ends up back at her side. I wonder if Tracey stops the signal at waist level extended in front if it would help Kazee any.  Other than that continued issue Kazee is looking great and should get it together very soon.

Tracey brought the film camera and we have the Sat runs on tape.  I'm post links soon... these runs will both be entertaining.  Tracey and I are hopeful tomorrow that we will have to dig out the still camera and take Q photos.