Sunday, August 8, 2010

A weekend working around Meadowood Ranch

This weekend saw great progress on getting the house arranged.  The furniture is now mostly in the room that is planned to be its new home.  The original furniture placement plan has changed several times but the current arrangement feels comfortable.

While it was still cool outside on Saturday AM I cleared more fenceline.  Mike was helpful and carried off large limbs and dead tree parts.  Before and after pictures of the overgrown fenceline shown - the prickly vine-covered azalea stretch is next.  Mike also hammered in all the remain rebar in stock at the house along the bottom of the fence where it is loose.  I then applied a gallon of RoundUp along the cleared fenceline and in the right-of-way behind the lot.  I would estimate that 1/2 of the fenceline on the west side of the lot is now cleared.  The back fenceline is in pretty good shape.  The east fenceline is in the wooded area and will be tackled last since it is mostly limbs growing through the fence from the neighbor's yard next door - Dr. Sander's is elderly and his yard seems to be more than he can keep up with now.

After the yardwork I was overheated and apparently delirious because I  thought that bathing all three dogs was a great idea at the time.  However, bathing in the Booster Bath is fairly quick and easy.  While I was setting up I told the dogs to stay inside and took a load of towels to tubside - Teddy busted his stay and volunteered to be the first wash victim.  Grace gave him so much encouragement from inside the house that I let her go next.  Bern was keeping a low profile and I had to drag him out to the tub when his turn came.  Everyone survived.

After baths Grace went back to doing what she loves best... crittering.  Grace spends lots of time with her nose stuck in the holly bushes by the back patio.  The two holly bushes keep her occupied for hours on end.  The object(s) of fascination with these bushes is still a mystery.  I need to video Grace's crittering tail movement that isn't evident in the still photo... :)