Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Wrapping Up 2010... 2010 Goals a Go or a Not So Go?

The end of 2010 has come (okay it came and went).  I've spent time reflecting on my goals and achievements for 2010.  When I created my 2010 goals, moving to a new house wasn't at the top of the list; however, time consumption wise it should have been.  In retrospect very little training was accomplished in 2010.  Grace and Bern practiced skills, trialled, and earned new titles but the needed repetition and consistency wasn't there.  Why?  Because I was focused on other things.  One focus was trying to keep Grace from escaping from the backyard.  The fence upgrade goal has now been achieved.

A primary driver for me to participate in the various dog sports is exercise and fresh air so I want to include these benefits in my 2011 goals (life plan?).  I've looked at 2011 goals from other friends (Tracey, Michele, and Brittany).  I'm not pondering goals for dog titles as much as I am considering consistency on working with the dogs to maximize our potential as performance teams.  I want to get outside and enjoy my large backyard... to use the training space I have to improve Grace's agility skills.  And to put the new teeter to good use.

Mike has set his goals for 2011 which includes continued fitness walking/jogging.  I need to participate in this team activity consistently as well.  What about those T-Tapp tapes to help strengthen my back so I'm running strong still on Sunday at a 3 day trial?

My plan is to have some goals formulated for 2011 by mid-January... about the time Mike starts back to school full time to be added to his working full time.  Let see that pretty much fills up the household plate so I need to factor these time and energy commitments into my goals.

While I ponder my life I'm finishing an awesome handout for my new agility class that starts Wednesday.  I've created a list of New Years Resolutions for my students with ideas for agility foundation work.  Getting the list compiled has been a great refresher tool for teaching the class.  I'm looking forward to the challenge of working with newly minted agility handlers.  And with a nod to Michele I want to be the best agility instructor I can be.