Friday, August 5, 2011

The Far Side of the News

An old news story resurfaced this week when the news broke that a woman in Oklahoma has claimed that D.B. Cooper, hijacker of an Orient airline, was her uncle.  The hijacking occurred in 1971 and the case went quiet.  Then in 1980 $20 bills with serial numbers from the hijacking ransom series were found near the Columbia River.  Now 30 years later the case comes back into the news.

I had Rottweilers before they became a popular breed with the wrong types of dog owners.  One of my favorite Far Side cartoons, The Untold Ending of D.B. Cooper, is shown at the left.  This cartoon jumped into my memory again with the recent D.B. Cooper news story.  While I was thinking about Far Side cartoons I found my all time favorite and included it in this post for a bit of humor as well.

So how is training going at the house? What have we been working on?

  • Bern has learned to pick up a metal dumbbell from the floor.  He is also keeping his "drop" polished.  In the kitchen Bern is struggling with the concept of staying down and still on a "mat". He wants to follow me if I walk from one side of the kitchen to the other.
  • Grace, one the other hand, seems to be doing better with the mat concept.  She has come in to the kitchen and plopped on her mat without being given instruction.  On the obedience front she is learning articles - my teaching skills must be horrid because her light bulb is still "out" on this exercise.  My cookie status with Grace dropped a bit after taking her critter last Thursday - we are in a cookie status re-building period.
  • Pete is learning to love the clicker.  He is happy to have a turn in the entry hall now.  He is not yet offering many behaviors but the clicker is now his friend.
I worked in the front planting beds last weekend and aggravated my shoulder/spine support structure.  After lots of TCL I am better but I need to watch what I try to do as well as increase the frequency of performing my core strengthening exercises

This weekend LCCOC is sponsoring an obedience seminar with Lori Drouin.  I was very impressed by her website so I am anxious to hear what she has to say in person.  Tracey and I will be attending Saturday.

The shower drain in the hall bath continues to be clogged.  I'm thinking it is time to call a plumber and pay the big bucks!