Monday, October 31, 2011

A Tracking We Shall Go

Grace made the TDX draw for the tracking trial in Hoston next weekend.  Therefore, Saturday morning we were off for tracking practice.  Tracey was her usual A+ great friend this weekend and stumbled out of bed in the early morning Saturday when it was cold and still dark to lay a practice TDX track for Grace (THANK YOU Tracey).  Dogs, tracklayers, and handlers then met up 3 hours later... in went Grace's cross-track (THANK YOU Mike).  At the same time I laid Spirit a regulation length TD track.  Tracey and I worked with Sprigs and Pete to let the recent track lays age.  First Spirit tracked and then Grace tracked .  Everyone looked spot on... so happy, excited, and nervous.  Grace did very well with the cross-tracks.  I'm sure I saw the lightbulb go "on" so that she now understands to stay with her original tracklayer's track.  I only had to reprimand Grace for crittering once - she bolted back to the human track and resumed her task after giving me a long "but the rabbit went the other way" face.  Lets hope the lessons stick for this weekend.

Pete passed his CGC minus the foot touching exercise.  We fell on our sword and NQ'd by requesting Jo Beth not touch his feet before we started the test.  I value my friendship with Jo Beth too much to let Pete take a hunk out of her if he decided that foot touching was going to work on Saturday.  He did his stays but Jo Beth would like more of my back toward him.  Pete was nervous without his classmates and frustrated with the lack of cookies but overall I was pleased.  Rally and obedience here we come!

Sunday morning found 3 of 4 dogs on the grooming table.  My intent was to brush and trim everyone in the morning and bath and blow dry in the afternoon.  The clippers are still in the box too - Pete escaped grooming round 1 since he got trimmed up recently.  Somehow the bathing part never come to pass so the new blow dryer is still in its box also.  Maybe one evening this week I can drag out the bathtub.  Grace needs a bath before we travel!

Sunday afternoon Grace practiced agility at the field - we ran a very twisty standard course and a double box/A-frame combo exercise.  Grace looked great - so happy with her weaves now.  However I found a course handling problem that I have yet to solve.  I need to see if Tracey or Brittany might have ideas on how I could "get" to where I need to be without Grace and I getting tangled.  Bern came along to socialize as did Pete.  Pete did the baby dogwalk and A-frame while he was at the field.  Instead of contact equipment I should really start jumps with him for Rally and Obedience (hey I can dream about a CDX for Pete if I want).

Not so much as a twig of MR yardwork was accomplished over the weekend.  Unfortunately this had been set aside as a yard work weekend.  If things get slow at work I intend to stay home and work on the yard for a couple of days.  MR's exterior needs lots of TLC and this is the time of year to pour on the love!

Postlude:  I have agreed to host the LCCOC holiday party at MR in January.  Therefore, I'm prioritzing getting "to do" list items moved to the "done" pile.  Friday night I purchased a large frame and ordered a mat for the 4 dogs in the MR pack watercolor done by Bryce D this summer.  I then rearranged the single dog photos on the hall to make room for the large picture addition.  That will get the unframed/unprotected picture off the dining room table so we can use the table for the party!  Recovering the dining room chairs is probably next on my list - I have the fabric and supplies purchased..