Sunday, February 26, 2012

A Busy Weekend At Home.... Bern Certifies to Track

Bern Completes His Certification Track for TD
This weekend was a stay at home weekend.  Both days I ran around like a woman on several missions.  On Saturday I managed to get over 9,000 steps on my pedometer without doing any true exercise except a short walk around the block with the whole pack.  With Teds along it is a short, but slow, walk - better this than leave Teds behind is my theory for now.

I did some errands and gardening work.  The hydrangeas have been transplanted.  More volunteer trees were removed.  I trimmed back several shrubs as well.  The yard is moving forward slowly but the progress is encouraging.

Spice got a training session on agility equipment.  She learned to do my class (non-regulation) tire and a 15' straight tunnel.  We did a few minutes of 2x2 work plus more ride up and down while the teeter is moved by Mom.  She is doing great.

I took the plunge and asked Kay to lay a certification track for Bern.  Bern's whole tracking dog persona has been a challenge.  Today though he found his work ethic and threw his nose into the game to pass his certification track.  There was a bit of a struggle at the first couple of turns but after that he looked very good.  I'm so happy.  I'm certain now that he will be able to earn his TD title!  LCCOC tracking test here we come.

Okay now to get Grace out to practice her weaves and teeter.