Saturday, August 18, 2012

Obedience and Agility Training

This week was full of adventure.  I had to go to the dentist for a filling in my very back tooth - with TMJ issues the jaw cranking open is tough.  That evening I was still recovering from the dental experience when we realized that the AC had gone out at the house.  I woke up several times at night to check on the dogs.  By 3 AM everyone was panting so everyone got a trip outside to get hosed down until soaked well with water.  We came back inside and bedded down once again in front of the fans. Because I wasn't sure what was wrong with the AC  the dogs day boarded at the vet in a family "suite" (they still charged by the dog though).  By noon our faithful AC guy had us back up and running.  He suggested I start saving the $4500 for a replacement unit in the next couple of years... our unit is 13 years old with an expected life of 15 years.  

Thursday night Tracey came over to practice obedience with Xan, Kazee, and Kayak.  We took turns so I worked Bern, Grace, and Spice.  It was getting late so we skipped stays.  All in all it went well. Tracey and I think Spice is ready for Rally.... but wait the next obedience show has NO Rally ring.  So in September Spice will be in the Beg Nov ring.  Luckily the judge is a very nice lady that thinks Spice it cute so they are friends.  This may be Spice's downfall for the sit for exam exercise.  

The Beg Nov exercises the AKC training video for the judges is here.  On Friday we practiced before dinner in the indoor obedience training space at home.  Spice did great on all the exercises except she wiggled BUNCHES when Mike practiced being the judge in the sit for exam exercise.  We repeated the sit for exam exercise until Mike was dizzy from walking in circles past me and petting Spice on her head once - by then she was squiggling much less.

Saturday morning at 6:30 AM we were at the agility field,  Kayak and Spice practiced on a VERY twisty Exc Stand course.  After the standard course Tracey and I built a Nov JWW course from a trial last month so we could try that course.  Tracey fussed at me for helping Spice too much at the weaves so we will be working on more independent weaves at home this week.  Spice looked better on both her runs.  Links are here:

It started raining on Saturday mid-morning.  By the end of the day we had 5" of rain.  It rained about 3/4" of rain overnight.  By early Sunday afternoon the rain was tapering off.  Lots of street flooding during the monsoon but the power stayed on.

Wnen Tracey arrived at the house on Thursday she broke into hysterical giggles when she saw the floor in the den.  This, of course, was after I had picked up all the larger debris so we could practice.  In the last few weeks Spice seems to be trying to earn her merit badge in interior re-decorating.  She has worked on the den floors extensively which keeps getting swept up.  And continues to supply me with several crate mats and related items that need mending.  Mike thinks she is trying to help with the house re-arranging we have been doing.

Spice redecorates the obedience training area

Spice redecorated her crate mat - usually she gets someone else's not hers