Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Broken Hearted.... Losing My First Agility Dog

I have put off doing this post because I just couldn't bring myself to look through the photos and type the narrative.  Its been a few weeks and I am coping better.  Like all my other big dogs Bern went downhill very quickly once he his health faltered.  He was participating in a tracking trial and then 3 weeks later he was gone.  We had been struggling to keep weight on him - that info combined with his failing health points toward cancer.  He was my first agility dog and the first dog I trained to do lots of companion and performance events save CD level obedience work with Heinrich years ago.  Missing you bunches fuzzy buddy Bern!

I was very surprised though when I looked at last year's Christmas photo and compared them to photos taken during the course of last year.  The sparkle in Bern's eye faded over the year and he began to look old during 2012.  He has joined my other dogs at the Rainbow Bridge.... but we very much miss him around the house. 

Grace is trying to fill her missing brother Bern's shoes.  She now lies in Bern's spot on the back patio and watches the yard for hours on end - previously not her job but Bern's.  Additionally Grace is very vocal about announcing to us it is meal time - previously not her job but Bern's.  The pack dynamics are definitely different at the house.  I do think the girls are missing having a brother and I'm praying hard about this.  Meanwhile, I grieving our pack's loss - he left a huge hole at the house.