Friday, May 24, 2013

Niece Amber's Norman High Graduation

Me with my sister and family
Niece Amber graduates from Norman High School this year.  Her commencement was Thursday evening.  I drove to Oklahoma on Wednesday.  

I made it to Norman just in time for the Jazz Aid concert on the the Norman High lawn. The Jazz programs at the two high schools performed portions of their concert that had been cancelled due to the tornado on Monday evening (see previous post).  Concert raised $13,500 for the Red Cross Oklahoma tornado relief fund.

Mom at Commencement
The extended family was all present at the graduation.  Brian's parents plus sister and brother-in-law came.  We picked Mom up on the commencement ceremony.  I do not think it has quite soaked in with Amber yet that she is DONE with high school and ready to move on to college.

I drove back on Friday so I would be back in time to be at our local obedience trial.  I was the trial chair last year but steered clear of any official duties this year.

Amber Getting Her Official Photo
The balloons are released