The LCCOC agility group met at the field and did post Hurricane Gustav cleanup. We made a huge brush pile in the corner where the fence was iffy. None of the equipment was damaged during the storm and the fence still poses a psychological barrier but not a physical one.
After I returned home from cleaning the field, I scalped the backyard grass with the mower. The grass had gotten very tall and the yard guy doesn't cut it that close. Weave pole training goes better if I can actually see Grace in the grass. So now that the grass is cut, we practiced weave poles on a leash with the poles open a couple of inches. She drives nicely toward steak bits..Bern practiced the same way to work on his stepping pattern.
I had neglected brushing out Bern good because of the house repairs and post hurricane confusion. I took time this weekend to go over him good with the slicker brush. Mind that this is NOT the furminator only the slicker. I got most of the dead/shedding hair out and he was frustrated when I finished but a took a victory photo for the blog. The mass of removed hair was very impressive - thank goodness that pile won't end up on the floor in the house or on someone's clothing.