Both my guys ran well on the course. The course was too tight for speedy Grace so I couldn't get her information fast enough which caused off courses and some fussing from her. She is trying so hard to do the correct thing. I'm so frustrated with her weaves - she is ever so close to having a great set of 12 weaves. The backyard at home is a jungle and I'm not getting the practice in with the weaves during the week. I need to figure out a better yard maintenance strategy as the current one is not supporting a home-based training program. The other option is to get to the field more nights per week to practice which might actually be a more reasonable option now.
Grace's herding lesson went great on Saturday morning. She is being much calmer in the sheep pen. I'm understanding the game better. She still needs to work back further from the sheep but I'm so pleased at our progress. The premium for the Deep South trial should be out this week...Linda thinks we are ready to put our training to the test so to speak.
The new extra tall (41.5") tall pet gates came in - minus one of the extensions. They were purchased to keep Grace from getting trapped behind one of the shorter gates. She keeps getting into the master bedroom upstairs but has not figured out how to get back out. Mike has been really good about stopping by the house during the day and letting her out. This plan, of course, only works when he is in town so I've had to come up with a better engineering solution to the problem.
I'm really missing retired housekeeper.