The Red Stick Ringers played two 45+ minutes concerts on Saturday afternoon in the River Center lobby before the Nutcracker Ballet performance - an annual tradition for the group. We finished our year off with a wonderful meal at the Fleeger's house Monday night (instead of our usual Monday evening rehearsal). A great time was had by all.

Over the weekend I managed to get gifts to folks in Baton Rouge that I was giving gifts to plus purchase gifts for my family in Oklahoma. The challenge is going to be getting them wrapped before I leave. Dennis, my boss, promised a client that we would get a report out the door before Christmas - there really wasn't enough time to pull it off. I got up at 3:30 AM or so this morning to try and finish it up. I'm waiting on the typist and the drafter to get me a more final draft to review.
My plan is to drive home to Oklahoma before it snows there on Thursday. I've warned Dennis I'm leaving. I just hope it all works out for the best. Of course, at this point I'm so exhausted I'm a hazard to myself and everyone else on the road. Groovy! This is NOT how I wanted to spend my Monday and Tuesday - I wanted to bake food, wrap presents, enter January dog shows, get the car ready, get me ready, and clean out my in basket at home..... doesn't look like much of this will be happening.