After a trip to the ENT yesterday, my sinus infection is now be treated with a shot in each hip and antibiotic nasal spray. I'm feeling much more energetic today than yesterday.
Tracey had a great idea for class last night. We set up a USDAA Advanced Pairs course which had a set of 6 weaves, teeter, dog walk, tire, 2 tunnels, the double jump, and several single jumps. After working the whole course, the students ran as pairs with the baton hand-off feature. Note to self - need to buy a real baton because I'm not sure that the huge plastic stake we used last night as a baton was intrinsically safe.
Since Grace refused to go over Monica's dog walk at the USDAA trial last weekend, I wanted to work with her at the field. Well lo and behold Grace will do only 1 of 2 dog walks at the field. The OCAC owned dog walk is tooooo bouncy and she won't do it. I think Grace needs to work the down ramp several times from a tall table and see if she can conquer her fears. On the up side Grace is weaving much better - after practicing 6 slightly open poles quickly she gave me a clean set of 12 closed poles with little hesitation.
Tracey brought Lego out to practice because they are headed to Monroe this weekend for an AKC show. Lego is still favoring his front leg even after several days of house rest. I know this must be heartbreaking for Tracey because Lego has run very well in the last several trial. Hopefully he will improve before the April AKC trials. Megan says her corgi is ready for the herding trial this weekend - he has also been on house rest following a knee injury. At his advanced age Megan was worried about his recovery.
Home inspection scheduled for noon on Thursday for the house on Meadowood. May the inspector not find anything too weird because I really love that house (and its humongous lot).