Sunday, April 17, 2011

Spring Fling... I Spend the Weekend Outside

Saturday Grace and I worked agility, sheep, and ducks at Linda's. Grace did great. We had a wonderful time.  Linda has some ideas on helping Grace to learn to drive through the weaves after watching her perform the weaves poorly at the Deep South and LCCOC agility trials.  To keep it interesting for Grace we alternated weave pole driving practice with other obstacles.  By the end of the day we had done numerous weave pole repetitions but Grace was very happy because the game was quick, easy, and success was dispensing hot dog chunks.

I also managed to get lots of good work done around the house this weekend. I tackled the garage on Saturday - I'll post photos after the extra furniture is removed and the leaves blown out! On Sunday Mike helped me out in the yard. Since I would rather be out than in I spent a large chunk of the day outside once I got started. The weather was a nice temperature so it was quite comfortable being outside.

From trimming trees (3 crepe myrtles and the large tree that overhangs from across the driveway) in the front yard we created a large pile of cut limbs.  Before and after pictures are below plus the red Knock Out rose planted between the front windows (please ignore the liriope grass edging that has filled in the bed - that project will take more than 1 Sunday afternoon to tackle).  While shopping for flowers for the lamp post bed I bought next weekend's project - 24 strawberry plants at $0.50 each so next weekend I will build a bed for them.

I'm adding a few more photos to the Meadowood Ranch as purchased webpage.  Now it is time to start a Meadowood Ranch updates/improvements page.  I'll post the link when I get it started.

Before Flower Bed Planting
After Flower Bed Planting
Before Trim
After Trim

Knock Rose between Dining and Living Room Windows on House Front