Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Environmental PE Exam Cut Score Study

This past weekend I traveled to Clemson to participate in a cut score study for the Environmental PE Exam.  The exams are on a continuous cycle of updating the exam content specification based on surveys of practicing PEs.  The first testing of an updated specification was just administered in April.  Because there is no direct link between this new exam spec and previous exams under the prior spec, NCEES works with its test statistics vendor to determine a cut score for the new test.  Part of the process involves several PEs taking the exam to ranking how many young PEs should be able to correctly answer each question.,,,, Anyway I took the test (yes I made above a 70% so without a "cut" score  I passed the test), we discussed several questions where the evaluation team had wide differences in our opinions on how hard a test question was, and then we flew home.  I was minus my clothes for several hours until Delta recovered from a day of horrible weather and got bags forwarded to their destinations.

Pebblemist's Wish on a Star
Sunday it was off to Walker to play with the new beagle at Pebblemist - her name is Twinkle (Pebblemist's Wish on a Star).  Twinkle is a small 12" beagle - Rich fell in love with her at a rescue adoption in PetsMart. She is very sweet.  We also got to see the fencing Tracey and Rich are putting up for Windy the Mustang coming this summer from another agility friend who trains horses.

Tuesday was Grace's dental appointment.  She has several very worn teeth from her excessive chewing.  Because of the chewing she is limited now to only balls and tug toys but no chew toys.  Dr. B only extracted one tooth but there will likely be a few more extractions needed in upcoming visits.

Meanwhile my garden projects are inching foward... hopefully there will be photos soon of completed projects.  Bern and Grace also need to practice obedience with the upcoming trials....